Time & Location
02 Dec 2022, 8:00 am GMT+7 – 10 Dec 2022, 12:00 pm GMT+7
Multi Timezones
About the Event
Please click READ MORE below for full information on the class. This may take a moment or two to appear.
Join Lisa and Erika for this Online Self-Care Workshop where we will dive deep into the healing traditions passed down to Dr. Rosita Arvigo, during her thirteen year apprenticeship with Don Elijio Panti. This course will cover the following topics from the comfort of your own home: the history and lineage of this work, self-abdominal massage, anatomy and physiology, castor oil therapy, pelvic steaming, herbal remedies, and emotional holding patterns in the body. This training will take place live on Zoom with opportunities to engage in practical hands-on learning.
To register, please sign up here:
*Please note these classes are not recorded due to privacy reasons.
**There are no requirements for this entry level course. For practitioners, the Self-Care Workshop is the first level of training with the Arvigo® Institute and is a prerequisite for Professional Care Training.
Dates and Time:
Our workshop will be during the following times. For some time zones, this class will be on Thursday evenings.
December 2 – 8am to 12:00pm Bangkok Time (GMT +07)
December 3 – 8am to 12:00pm Bangkok Time (GMT +07)
December 9 – 8am to 12:00pm Bangkok Time (GMT +07)
December 10 – 8am to 12:00pm Bangkok Time (GMT +07)
***Be mindful of the Bangkok time zone listed (GMT+07). We live in Thailand so please allow for time zone differences.
There will be breaks as well as several opportunities to learn experientially with your hands and eyes away from the screen practising the self-care massage and meditation.
Please note that attendance to all four sessions is required to get a certificate. This workshop is not recorded for privacy reasons, etc.
$250 USD
This class is taught by Lisa Levine.
Additional questions can be sent to optimalreproductivehealth@gmail.com
A third of what the Arvigo® Institute receives for every class is tithing. This tithing will be split four ways, with one fourth going to the Itzamna Society, Don Elijio's descendants who protect the sacred forest at the Elijio Panti National Park in Belize, one fourth going to Dr. Rosita Arvigo in gratitude for her life's work, another fourth going to Maya healers/projects and a final fourth going to support indigenous healers/projects on the land the training is being held or to specific indigenous land care projects for online classes. Our Giving Back page is up on the website now, so you can meet our dear friends from around the world with whom we are in a relationship of reciprocity and respect.