Time & Location
10 Feb 2023, 10:00 am GMT-5 – 12 Feb 2023, 2:00 pm GMT-5
US Timezones
About the Event
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Join Cathy Lipsky for this two and a half day workshop online where you will learn about the anatomy and physiology of normal pelvic and abdominal organs and what happens when they become unbalanced.
During the weekend you will dive deep into the healing traditions passed down to Dr. Rosita Arvigo via Don Elijio Panti. Self massage, anatomy, physiology, pelvis steams/soaks, castor oil therapy, herbal support, plant spirit medicine, tension patterns in the body, the history and lineage of this work and more.
Completion of this program will qualify the participant to perform the abdominal massage on themselves only and prepare the licensed practitioner to go on to level two of The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy.
This training will take place on Zoom with opportunities to get off the screen and engage in practical learning.
This 2.5 day course is the first level of training with the Arvigo® Institute and is a prerequisite for practitioner training.
Our workshop will be during the following times:
Friday February 10, 2023 10AM- 6:00 PM
Saturday February 11, 2023 10AM- 6:00 PM
Sunday February 12, 2023 10AM- 2:00 PM
Lunch break will be 1 1/2 hour
No prerequisite required.
$275 USD
This class is taught by Cathy Lipsky, please email her on cathy@holisticnp.com to register, receive information about what you need to prepare and payment information.
About Cathy
Register here: The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® Self Care
Cathy Lipsky is a nurse practitioner and certified Arvigo® Therapist who combines her knowledge of western medicine with her desire to help people become more involved in choosing and maintaining a healthful way of life. Cathy is among some of the first certified health professionals to bring the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® to the U.S. from Central America. For over 20 years she has helped in restoring reproductive health to both men and women. Cathy
is also a Certified Advanced Arvigo® Teacher.
10% of the total cost of every for class is tithing. This tithing is split three ways. A third goes to the Itzamna Society - Don Elijio's descendants who protect the sacred forest at the Elijio Panti National Park in Belize. A third goes to Walter Cholotio, a Tz'utujil Maya Fire and Daykeeper in Guatemala. The final third goes to supporting indigenous healers and/or environmental care projects on the land trainings are held. You can learn more at our Giving Back page.