Wed, 26 Jul
Professional Care Training
Please email teachmorelove@gmail.com to register.
Time & Location
26 Jul 2023, 11:00 am GMT-4 – 30 Jul 2023, 6:00 pm GMT-4
About the Event
Please click READ MORE below for full information on the class. This may take a moment or two to appear.
This event is now FULLY BOOKED - please email Kathleen to go on the waiting list :)
A hybrid model, where you can do an online portion of Anatomy and Physiology (8 hours) before in person training.
This 5 day training is designed for the bodyworker who has completed an Arvigo® Self-Care Training and now wants to deepen into their understanding of this work by being able to offer whole body treatments to their clients. In addition to addressing basic anatomy and physiology of the abdomen, structural alignment of the hips and sacrum - herbal and nutritional support will be explored.
A beautiful private home located just north of Portland, Maine. Two dinners will be provided, opening day and the eve before departure day. Snacks and tea provided each day. Nearby lunch spots available or bring your own.
Lodging is to be arranged by you separately via airbnb or vrbo, hotels, etc.
#36.5 CEU’s provided.
Nearby airports are Portland, Maine and Boston, MA.
In order to do this training you are required to have taken the Arvigo® Self Care course either in person or online AND hold a license to practice bodywork in your state/country, if applicable. Please direct any queries about applicable licensing requirements to your teacher.
Successful completion of PCT allows the participant to move on to Certification and/or Pregnancy & Postpartum Care Training.
$1,800 USD - lodging at your own expense via airbnb or vrbo, hotels, etc.
$500 deposit to hold space. Balance due ($1300) by June 15, 2023.
Online A&P self directed: July8 - 9 (8 hrs)
In Person:
July 26 11am - 6 pm
July 27 - 30 9 am - 6 pm with 90 min lunch
This class will be taught by Kathleen Lawler. Please email Kathleen to register, or call on #(720)308-6164.
Kathleen Lawler is a deeply experienced Bodyworker and Western Clinical Herbalist who has been in practice for over two decades. She spent ten years working in a hospital setting, coming face to face with the profound breadth of human health needs and the ways in which they could be supported. At this time, Kathleen has a private practice in Boulder, Colorado and in addition facilitates retreats, trainings and immersive experiences.
IG: Goldentemplenow
10% of the total cost of every for class is tithing. This tithing is split three ways. A third goes to the Itzamna Society - Don Elijio's descendants who protect the sacred forest at the Elijio Panti National Park in Belize. A third goes to Walter Cholotio, a Tz'utujil Maya Fire and Daykeeper in Guatemala. The final third goes to supporting indigenous healers and/or environmental care projects on the land trainings are held. You can learn more at our Giving Back page.